Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Grade 5 Science Integration

I received this lesson from Mrs. Benjamin which outlined a way to integrate art into the science curriculum on the topic of planets. After looking at some books of the planets in our solar system, the students found they could relate some describing words of these planets to the elements of art. For example, when a students said that the planet they were looking at was red and orange we realized that would fall under COLOR. Some planets had rings or craters. We could draw those using LINE. They could put lines together to make SHAPE, or simply look at the shape of all planets...spheres. Others may appear to be made of rock or even look smooth. These are kinds of TEXTURE. Finally, some planets were hidden in shadow, which is achieved by adding VALUE. 
After looking at the planets in our solar system it was time for students to make up their own. Planets incorporated the elements of art we had previously discussed...

Here is a phenomenal planet created by Jed

And another by Nolan

Even our backgrounds added to the illusion of a real planet in space. After setting up a special "splat box" students came up one by one and with assistance got a nice white-splattered paper that added some dimension to their background. 

These planets were on display at the Celebration of Learning at the end of the year. Here are even more planets! 

Thanks for stopping by!

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