Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Grade 3 Kente Cloth

Kente cloth is a type of silk and cotton fabric made of interwoven cloth strips and is native to the Akanethnic group of South Ghana. Here is a super colorful example of the intricate patterns and colors.
 Third graders used strips of interwoven paper to give the impression of a Kente cloth. They had to use two colors that had a personal meaning. Examples could be the color of their house, their parent's favorite color, or their sports jersey color. Then, they used either white or black paint to paint a pattern using LINE and SHAPE. Below are some excellent examples of weaving and painting! 


These were a great success and something I will definitely do again next year! Check back soon for more photos of the awesome art happening at our school:D

Some lessons have been taught to multiple grade levels. Not all schools participate in the same lessons due to budget, materials, student needs, etc. Please leave a comment with praise, questions, or ways to polish.

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