Friday, February 5, 2016

Grade 4 Aboriginal Dot Painting

Students in fourth grade had already read Eagle Song in ELA, a story about peace within Native American tribes. We discussed the use of animals as symbolism in the story such as the eagle, snake, and turtle. These symbols are shown in the tree map below.

In art, we built upon the knowledge of the turtle symbolism by learning about the Aboriginal people, native to Australia. Aboriginals created intricate dot paintings using sticks often of animals that were used to tell stories. Students first drew a large turtle then filled it with a design inspired by the Aboriginals. Here are some students working on the dot painting of their turtle. We use egg cartons to keep paint organized and easily transported.

Early finishers contributed to a background for our final display or dot painted a letter for a title. Thinking Maps were hung along with the art to show our thoughts and learning process. 

Thank you for checking out the blog today:D Come back soon for new posts
 ~~ Miss Fletcher & Grade 4

Some lessons have been taught to multiple grade levels. Not all schools participate in the same lessons due to budget, materials, student needs, etc. Please leave a comment with praise, questions, or ways to polish.

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