Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Grade 1 Line Sculpture

First graders start the year off learning about LINE and the lines we see around us every day. We completed a bubble map of all the lines we could think of then got to work creating those lines in paper. We made lines that were straight, curved, wavy, zig-zag, thick, thin, curly, and even made up our own. Students glued their paper lines to a base to create a SCULPTURE. First graders know that sculptures are three-dimensional and can be made out of all kinds of materials such as wood, clay, paper, and metal. Here are some in-progress photos of the sculptures...

How many kinds of lines can you see? 

Samantha is ready to take her sculpture home!

Some lessons have been taught to multiple grade levels. Not all schools participate in the same lessons due to budget, materials, student needs, etc. Please leave a comment with praise, questions, or ways to polish.

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