Monday, December 15, 2014

Grade 1 Mondrian Windows

Does this piece of ABSTRACT art remind you of anything? 

Piet Mondrian. Broadway Boogie Woogie. 1942-43

The title is Broadway Boogie Woogie and it is appropriately part of the collection at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Piet Mondrian was inspired by the city and created this piece that represents the city's grid, traffic, and bright lights.
Grade 1 students looked at this piece and used a ruler to create straight LINES to represent streets. They then painted using the primary colors, just like Mondrian did, leaving some spaces blank. We hung these in windows and display cases around the school. 

This is personally one of my favorite pieces and I have had the pleasure of seeing it in person while in NYC for the National Art Education Association Convention 
Click the link to learn more about this painting.

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